Analysis of a Coaching Session

An analysis of a coaching session requires you to analyse and evaluate the relvant coaching skills based on a video of work. It often focuses on the impact of the coach's skills on the client, an evaluation of the skills or modality used, and suggestions for improvements.

The content of the analysis will be based on the specific guidelines or questions given with the assessment information. For example, you may be asked to identify and evaluate the coach's:

  • communication skills, e.g. opening a session and building rapport
  • adherence to professional requirements, e.g. explaining  their position on confidentiality and record keeping to the client
  • application of certain techniques, e.g. the use of approaches discussed in the unit you are studying

You might also be asked to reflect on areas for improvement and future development. You might also need to transcribe parts of the dialogue to give 'verbatim' examples. In all cases, you must use the theory from the unit you are studying as the basis of your discussion and analysis of the coach's skills. Each assignment has unique requirements, so always check the assignment instructions and marking criteria.

The analysis of a coaching session should have an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a reference list. Each body paragraph should explore one main idea and have a good balance of description, analysis and links to literature and theory. More information about writing essays can be found here.


You should use a balance of 3rd and 1st person when analysing your recording. Use 3rd person when you refer to theory or an approach and use 1st person (I/my) when you refer to your application of the theory or approach, or your experience performing the particular skill. More information on reflective writing and the 3rd and 1st person writing style can be found in the reflective writing language guide 

Try to avoid writing in an overly emotive or subjective manner. Even though you are expressing your own observations and analysis, you must convey this information in an academic style. You can discuss what you did, observed, and learned, but avoid listing your opinions by using 'I think...' .

Here are some examples of sentences that have been rewritten more professionally.

  • The client said that her kids were really naughty. (informal tone) -> The client stated that her children were not well-behaved. (more formal)
  • Even though the coach seemed unsure about digging deeper, I thought her questioning was good. (informal tone) -> Even though the coach seemed apprehensive about probing, their questioning was effective. (more formal)

More information on formal writing can be found in the enhance your writing section of this website.