Request feedback on a draft assessment

Applying feedback helps you develop as a writer and is good professional practice.

Feedback (not proofreading) on draft assessments is available from an Academic Skills Advisor if you are in the first year (3 trimesters) of your course (either undergraduate or postgraduate). This is in addition to your three one-on-one consultations. Feedback aims to assist you in identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. We also provide you with advice and strategies for reviewing your work. We don’t edit or correct your assessments.  Advisors are also unable to help with content knowledge for your unit of study; please see your educator for assistance with this.

To request feedback, email your draft assessment to the Learning Hub.

 Nominate the areas of focus you would like the advisor to address in the feedback. 

Attach the draft as an editable Microsoft Word document (.docx, .doc.) (NOT the following file formats .odt, .docm, .dot, .dotx).

Also, be sure to check out our page on Making Use of Feedback for some great information and tips on incorporating feedback into future assessments.
